Song capitalization rules
Depending on the language of your song title, capitalization rules should be followed when entering your track title.
These rules might be overwhelming if you're not familiar with them, but don't worry. When you enter a track title, we'll validate whether it's correct and give you a suggestion for what it probably should be.
We reserve the right to correct errors in grammar, spelling and punctuation after the track is submitted to us.
Capitalization rules
For English:
Track titles in English language should have title case format (all words are capitalized except articles and conjunctions). In addition, the first letter of the words before and after a hyphen ("-"), a slash ("/") or a colon (":") and at the beginning and the end of a sentence should be capitalized.
The following words should always be lowercase:
a, an, and, as, but, for, from, nor, of, or, so, the, to, y yet, at, by, for, from, in, into, of, off, on, onto, out, over, to, up, with
For Spanish:
Track titles in the Spanish language should have title case format (all words are capitalized except articles and conjunctions). In addition, the first letter of the words before and after a hyphen ("-"), a slash ("/") or a colon (":") and at the beginning and the end of a sentence should be capitalized.
The following words in Spanish should always be in lower case:
a, al, de, del, e, el, en, la, las, los, o, para, por, un, una, y
For Portuguese:
Track titles in the Portuguese language should have title case format (all words are capitalized except articles and conjunctions). In addition, the first letter of the words before and after a hyphen ("-"), a slash ("/") or a colon (":") and at the beginning and the end of a sentence should be capitalized.
The following words in Portuguese should always be in lower case:
a, à, ao, aos, as, às, da, das, de, das, do, dos, e, em, na, nas, no, nas, nos, o, os, ou, para, pela, pelas, pelo, pelos, pra, pro, por, um, uma
For all other languages, please use sentence case.
Most words will be lowercase.
These words should be capitalized:
- capitalize the first word
- capitalize specific names of people and places (countries, cities and such)
- capitalize names of racial and ethnic groups
- capitalize trade names (be careful with using trade names in your title! we recommend to only use trade names if you have permission to do so)
- capitalize the first word after a : or -