Help Desk
Help Desk
For artists and labels
Suggested knowledgebase articles:
For artists and labels
Uploading tracks
I have a problem uploading my audio
Can I upload a cover song to be included on compilations?
If my song is approved, does that mean that it will be on a compilation?
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Joining Compigram
How can I join Compigram?
I'm under 18, can I join Compigram?
What are the benefits of compilation albums versus playlists?
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Payment and royalties
How many royalties do I get when my song is on a compilation album?
When will I get paid?
How can I get paid?
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Completing track details
Song capitalization rules
What is 'master owner'?
What is Stock Music?
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Buy guaranteed placements on compilation albums
How can I buy guaranteed placements on compilation albums?
If I buy guaranteed placements on compilation albums, how long will it take before these albums are released?
Will I get royalties when I buy guaranteed album placements?
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