When will I get paid?

Account statements are in the Compigram interface and will be updated at least every 6 months.

Login with your account and then open the drop-down menu in the upper right corner (next to 'Upload') and then click on 'Sales'.

Please note that sales are always 3 months behind. This is because every individual shop needs to process their sales.


For example:

If you were listed on a compilation end October, you will see the first sales in June the following year.

Sales from October will come in around January. We update sales statements twice a year (June and December). This means you will see those sales in June.


Sales from January will be seen in June

Sales from February will be seen in June

Sales from March will be seen in June or December

Sales from April will be seen in December

Sales from May will be seen in December

Sales from June will be seen in December

Sales from July will be seen in December

Sales from August will be seen in December

Sales from September will be seen in December or June next year

Sales from October will be seen in June next year

Sales from November will be seen in June next year

Sales from December will be seen in June next year